Book Review – Attachments

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

OK. Rainbow Rowell is officially in my favorite authors list. Her stories are like the stories a friend of a friend tells you happened/is happening to them and you don’t believe and believe it at the same time because it’s so goddamn sweet, and you’re programmed to hate everything but is finding a soft spot for these kinds of stories. Long story short, Rainbow Rowell makes me feel, (ugh) human.


What It’s About – Set in 1999, where the idea of Y2K set chills to the spine of every company who owns computers. Lincoln, a multifaceted hunk of a guy, who plays D&D during the weekends (swoons), and is living with his single mother, reluctantly accepts a job in The Courier, a local newspaper. He works the night shift as the I.T. guy. His main job is to make sure everyone is using their emails strictly for work purposes and also abate the fear of Y2K.

Beth and Jennifer, who works in the same newspaper as writers, do not take the whole internet security thing as seriously as they should. They would constantly exchange emails, sharing explicit stories about Beth’s boyfriend and Jennifer’s husband. Lincoln should send them a warning, a memo, but he doesn’t. He is enjoying their witty exchange too much to ask them to stop.

Until one day, Beth talks about a cute guy he sees in the office. Lincoln who slowly starts to feel something for Beth, was jealous at first, but then realizes that he is the cute guy. Lincoln has an actual shot with this girl.

But how do you go from the creepy guy that reads your private emails to potential boyfriend?

What I Think About It – Well, it’s no secret. I love all of Rainbow Rowell’s books. And this is no exception. Actually, this may be my favorite of the three that I’ve read of hers. Maybe because it has an adult feel? Or maybe it’s Lincoln? Oh, a 100% about Lincoln! Also, how nice is the name Lincoln?

Let me tell you something about Lincoln. Meeting this fictional character in my current situation, is like a kiss-met. I don’t know what kiss-met means exactly, but it seems appropriate(?) You see Lincoln and I share so many things.

Degree holder with no sense of purpose – check

Felt betrayed by a former lover – check

Staying and maybe clinging to the comfort of parent’s home – check

Is in a job that he hates – check

But unlike Lincoln, he finds someone he can get attached to. I have none whatsoever. Don’t feel too bad for me internet. I’ll find my Beth Fremont (male version) soon.

The email exchange between Beth and Jennifer are funny and entertaining. No wonder Lincoln had a hard time flagging them. All likeable characters, even Jennifer’s husband Mitch, who is only talked about and does not have actual dialogue. Lincoln’s group of friends is also fascinating and you see this turmoil inside of him like he doesn’t want to socialize with these people but feels it’s the “normal” thing to do or the only option. It’s not that Lincoln’s friends are hateful, they’re all interesting, it’s just Lincoln is in a dilemma of who he wants to hang out with (check).

The only problem I have with this book, a teensy weensy problem, is that Beth and Lincoln did not have a lot of alone time. I expected them to meet a lot sooner and have several conflicts before they have their happily ever after. But I get it. I just wanted some more Beth and Lincoln kissing time. So sue me!

Over all, a feel good book that is guaranteed to make you feel all human and love and thrills and all that other good stuff.

Read This Book When – You need a pick me up. When you’re travelling and want to isolate yourself in a literary corner. When you have run out of rom-coms to watch/re-watch. When you want to fall in love with Rainbow Rowell.


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